Take a tour of our facility

Scientia Clinical Research

Facility Tour

Based on levels 5 and 6 of the Bright Building, within the Prince of Wales Hospital, our facility is one of the newest within the Randwick Health Precinct.

1m 38s

Scientia Clinical Research

Patient Bed Area

Level 6 of our facility includes a 30 bed clinic, with state of art monitoring bay, recreation area, computer and games room and more.

1m 02s

Scientia Clinical Research

Laboratory Tour

A short video of our on-site laboratory, which gives us the capability to support a wide range of specimen processing, including whole blood, blood components, urine, stool/microbiome, haematology slides, fresh tissues and much more.


Video animations about clinical trials

Scientia Clinical Research

Clinical Trial Overview

A very brief animation on what to expect during a clinical trial.


Scientia Clinical Research

Checking In

A short video about preparing before you come on your clinical trial and checking in – what to bring, what to pack…laptop, phone and chargers!! And don’t forget your toothbrush.

1m 21s

Scientia Clinical Research

Dosing Day

What to expect on dosing day – once the study drug has been administered you will be closely monitored, whilst you relax, read, use your laptop and sleep overnight, if required.

1m 02s​